Taylor, Cathy

/Cathy Taylor


Cathy Taylor

Crone Robe

patchwork cloth

36″x 36″x24″ mannequin


I was brought up with my last name Weaver and have always been attracted to images with spiders and spiderwebs. As I am getting older I put together this crone robe and wear it whenever I need to reacquaint myself with my spider beginnings and the interconnectedness of life.


Cathy Taylor

Feast or Famine

Inspired by: Paul Quain, Loading Cattle, Aran

archival inkjet print

11″ x 14″


The collage brings up the question about who exactly is invited to the feast, and who exactly gets to attend the lavish banquet. While some may be sitting down ready to begin their many courses of sumptuous food, others are fighting the beast of hunger as it marks its next victim. The have’s and the have-nots are increasingly evident on our globe today. ‘Loading Cattle’ Native Americans starved to death when cattle replaced the great buffalo. Buffalo meat is sustainable, healthy, and important to the culture of the people of the Great Plains.

/Cathy Taylor