Stowell, Joanne

/Joanne Stowell



oil on wood

36″ x 48″


There are those days when it is nonstop going, going, going, and all you want to do is just go home and put your feet up. This was one of those days. After picking up the kids from a late night marching band rehearsal, our last trip of the day, it was finally time to go home and stay home. Pulling into the driveway the house just looked so warm and welcoming compared to the cold outside. The lights were on and inviting us in. It’s not a big house. Certainly nothing spectacular. But it’s home.

The Bright Side

oil on wood

36″ x 48″


My daughter has a condition that has resulted in several hospital stays. We have learned to be flexible. Her health comes first. My husband and I take turns staying and can be there for days at a time. It is amazing how exhausting it can be doing nothing. This time she was admitted for a full week. We were worn out. It was difficult to see the bright side. But on morning of the final day we were woken up by the most incredible sunrise that we typically would have missed. It was the bright side of a difficult week.

Nothing to Eat

oil on wood

36″ x 48″


Every day, it doesn’t matter if we even just returned from grocery shopping, my two teenagers will stare into the refrigerator and complain that we have nothing to eat. Every. Day. They will open both doors, look at all the food options available to them, and somehow see nothing. Our new kitten will climb inside. The doors will get left open as they lose interest and leave the room. Every. Single. Day.

Five More Minutes

oil on wood

36″ x 48″


Whichever of us wakes first will usually let the other sleep. Unless we need light or know the other needs to wake up. Sometimes we just need five more minutes. And then another five more minutes. It’s amazing how many times we hit snooze between the two of us. On this day I was the first awake, but he needed to get up and I needed light. Then the way the light reflected off his skin made me stop and look for a bit. He looked so warm and comfortable. He wanted five more minutes. I wanted five more minutes.

Joanne Stowell

I See You

oil on wood

23″ x 18″


My work is a true representation of life and every piece tells a story. My paintings depict my daily life. I capture the struggles as well as the quiet moments that often go unappreciated. Although my work is never glamorized, I do create in a way that makes the viewer want to look, usually through lighting. Above all, I desire for my work to be relatable. My paintings are meant to create connections through conversation and storytelling. Some say my work appears dark, but to those I must respond that, as with life, a sense of humor is often required.
