Reid, Karen

/Karen Reid


Karen Reid


oil and charcoal on canvas

30″ x 32″


This artwork emerged during my residency, an immersive journey where intuition guided my creative process. Beginning with charcoal gestures, I embarked without a predetermined path, allowing each stroke to flow organically. Layer by layer, I explored the interplay of paint, making instinctive decisions on their harmonies and contrasts. In this piece, lines and shades converge to initiate a dialogue among figures, each stroke a quiet exchange between forms. Through the fluidity of gesture, I sought to capture the essence of human movement and emotion, inviting viewers into a realm where stories unfold with every curve and contour.


Karen Reid

Onions On The Sill

Inspired by: Henry George Todd, Study of Strawberries

oil on panel

11″ x 14″


This painting is a an exercise in observation, A still life created in my studio. I feel personally drawn to go back to my core skills of painting light. These onions take on their own personalities and energies that truly come through by the art of seeing. A true joy for me. Henry George Todd’s Study of Strawberries encouraged and inspired me to go back to creating work that stimulates my experience in painting from life.