Meet our supporters: Carrie Crane

Boylston-based artist Carrie Crane has been involved with ArtsWorcester since the early 1990s. She has played multiple roles with the organization over the years, including employee, board member, contributor, and artist. Carrie consistently supports ArtsWorcester by being an exhibiting member, purchasing art, and contributing to the Annual Fund, as well as to Framing the Future, our capital campaign.

In 2009, Carrie started her donor-advised J and J Fund through the Greater Worcester Community Foundation as a way to honor her two friends Janne Piper and Julie Rollins. Both were generous and helping people who died far too early. Most of the recent gifts to ArtsWorcester have come through this fund.

Looking back at her first serious venture into the art world, Carrie fondly recalls her early years with ArtsWorcester. “I give ArtsWorcester a whole lot of credit for helping me have an art career. It wasn’t just the opportunity to show, but ArtsWorcester brought together a community of artists. I wouldn’t have known these people without ArtsWorcester. They helped develop an important community that made me feel like I wasn’t an oddball doing a weird thing by myself.”

Carrie cites the experiences she has had with the organization as an artist as a reason why she chooses to support ArtsWorcester. “I can see an incredible dedication to the artist as an individual, and to working as much as possible to give artists opportunities. I really feel that when I give to ArtsWorcester it goes to support the artist, not some huge organization with other costs. It’s an efficient way to support the art community.”

Click here to learn more about the different ways to give to ArtsWorcester. We thank Carrie and the J and J Fund for their consistent support over the years!

Interview conducted by Alice Dillon, ArtsWorcester Program Staff.