Finlay-Morreale, Heather

/Heather Finlay-Morreale

Heather Finlay-Morreale

Eddy #1

oil pastel

24″ x 30″


Heather Finlay-Morreale is a paper artist and physician, who developed a disabling neurological condition. In a depressed period, she was saved by the library book The Art of Papercraft by Helen Hiebert. This series was made In a dark time, I felt sucked down into an eddy (synonym: whirlpool) rimmed by barbed wires. It is made using gloomy colors of the natural world, with repetition showing the mundaneness of a bed-bound existence. Created in a child-like way with oil pastels and messy fingers, where the process of art-making and its effects on the artist is what matters, not the outcome.